OCS candidates are permitted to receive a care package (also known as a Candio Box) from a loved one at the start of our final phrase. It’s a tradition, and relatives can supply just about anything.

What is a Candio box?
In honor of their loved ones’ near graduation from Officer Candidate School (OCS) and transition into the role of “candidate officer,” friends and family often gift them “candio boxes” filled with treats to help them through the final few weeks of training. Opening their candio boxes is a highly awaited tradition for the candidates during Week 9.
These boxes are designed on the inside, generally with a U.S. Navy motif, and contain the candidate’s favorite goodies as well as anything they desired during their time there but were not permitted to have. Keep in mind that in the new Nimitz facility, candidates do not have access to microwaves, refrigerators, or coffeemakers.
Alcohol, tobacco, pornographic material, gambling paraphernalia, prescription drugs, firearms, and live animals are CONTRABAND, and possessing them can result in an applicant being rejected. So remember do not send any of these. Even though it’s very obvious, I have seen someone sent their candidate a “cigarette” as a joke that made him being place on probation.

Ideas? What can you send?
Numerous things from Trader Joe’s, including jerky, candies, dried fruit, biscuits, almonds, facial wipes, dry shampoo, and sun protection, among others. Warm socks, hygiene items (deodorant, toothpaste/toothbrush, etc.; sometimes they don’t have time or are unable to go to the NEX to get these items), HotHands hand warmers for the upcoming cold weather, and perhaps gel insoles for PT shoes and boots.
DO NOT SEND HAND-MADE items. We share our treats with others and it’s not guaranteed that someone is not allergic to anything. Do not ruin their career or life at this point.

How to you mail the candio box?
I recommend mailing your packages in the middle of Week 8, or somewhat later depending on your location. You would like your package to arrive on Tuesday or the day before. If they come on Wednesday, it is unlikely that they will be opened on “candio box day.” Address boxes using the standard mailing address and write “CANDIO BOX” on both sides of the box in large, clear letters. This will prevent your product from being sent to your candidate too early or too late. Depending on their class team, boxes will not be delivered to some classrooms until Thursday or Friday.

Any size box is suitable, although Large Flat Rate boxes from the United States Postal Service are frequently utilized because they are the least priced option given the weight of large shipments. Large Flat Rate boxes are free to pick up at any USPS location and cost approximately $16 to mail. If you purchase and print stamps at home, the United States Postal Service offers a slight discount. Do not demand a signature on delivery for your box. There is normally no restriction on the number of boxes candidates can receive, but keep in mind that their storage capacity is extremely limited. And there is a limit to how much they can eat!
There are always candidates whose family and friends are unaware of this tradition and hence do not receive a box. They will not be delivered.